Wild Ride

Holy Cannoli! Boy did I have a busy weekend!

Ammo and Trooper at the fair

This picture of me and Trooper pretty much sums up the adventurous weekend I had. Don’t worry, I didn’t actually have to ride a bull, but I did have to entertain lots of children (and adults), sniff a whole bunch of dog butts, eat funnel cake, and I even ran through an agility course…twice!

ammo the dachshund with the painting pony

ammo the dachshund with the painting pony

ammo the dachshund with the painting pony

As you can see, I’m a pretty hard working Dachshund.

trooper and ammo at the chadds ford days

To prove my point, here’s a BEFORE shot of me and Trooper just getting started on our weekend adventure at the Chadds Ford Days.

trooper and ammo chadds ford days

And here’s us AFTER a weekend full of excitement!

trooper and ammo chadds ford days

Even super dogs need to catch up on their sleep once in a while.


1 Comment

  1. Cindy Brake

    You are so adorable Ammo. Sweet dreams to you and Trooper!

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