Let’s Get Tricky! Teach your Dog to High-Five

I decided it was high time I started a new feature on the blog, and what better thing to write about than trick training! I thought by sharing with you how I have learned some of my amazing tricks over the years (and attempting to master new ones too) it would inspire me to keep up with my training as well. Most all of my tricks are taught and mastered with the help of clicker training, so before beginning you might want to read up on how to introduce your dog to a clicker. (contains affiliate link)

Ammo the Dachshund // Let's Get Tricky // Teach Your Dog to High-Five

Teach your Dog to High-Five

A small twist on the standard one paw high-five, my method is doubly awesome with a two-pawed high-five. (mostly because us dachshunds have stubby little legs and it’s way easier to high-five with two paws).

What you need: A handful of small training treats, clicker (affiliate links)

Step one:  Place a treat in the palm of your hand and close it into a fist. Let you dog sniff your hand with the treat in it so he will know that it’s there.

Ammo the Dachshund // Let's Get Tricky // Teach Your Dog to High-Five

Step two: Put your closed fist with the treat in it directly in front of your dog but slightly above their head and high enough that they cannot reach it with all 4 paws on the ground.

Step three: Your dog will likely begin to sniff at the treat, but pay close attention to their paws, and as soon as they lift both paws or one off the ground be ready to click and reward once they touch a paw to your hand (do not give them the treat in your hand, but a different one). Continue clicking and rewarding for a paw(s) touching your fist until it is consistent.

Ammo the Dachshund // Let's Get Tricky // Teach Your Dog to High-Five

Step four: Once your dog is consistently touching a paw(s) to your fist, then remove the treat inside your hand and begin placing an open palm directly in front of your dog above their head. Click and reward for your dog touching a paw(s) to your hand.

Step five: When your dog is consistently touching a paw(s) to your open hand you may add a verbal cue to it, such as High-Five. Say “High-Five” then place your open palm in front of your dog to touch – then click and reward.

Ammo the Dachshund // Let's Get Tricky // Teach Your Dog to High-Five

If your dog has mastered this trick with one paw (sometimes easier for larger dogs) but you would like them to high-five with two, give your verbal cue, put your open palm out and do not reward the dog for touching it with one paw, simply wait until they offer another behavior (placing two paws) then click and reward. If your dog needs a little help you can place one paw on your palm then pick up and place their second paw on your hand. Immediately reward with a jackpot of treats (one treat after another in a rapid succession). The more excited and animated you are when your dog gets it right, the faster they will learn!

Ammo the Dachshund // Let's Get Tricky // Teach Your Dog to High-Five

Ammo the Dachshund

Disclaimer: The Let’s Get Tricky blog feature is designed to provide general information, instruction, and techniques that may not be suitable for everyone. Please note that we are not liable for any of your activities while attempting to teach your dog the techniques listed on this blog. Please train responsibly.


  1. debi

    I am so excited to have found your site and the wonderful training tricks you share with us here!! We are about to pick up a Tennessee Smokey Mtn “bea-weiner” rescue. I am thinking the blend of beagle with dachshund will be MOST trainable and love to be trained!

    • Ammo

      Yay! Good luck with your new pup!

  2. Sam already knows how to high five, but we call it, ‘give me some paw’. He can put up his dukes and box and he can pick which hand has the treat and tap it with his paw.

  3. Dachshunds

    Sweet 🙂

  4. I did it right, not knowing I did. My Foxie is a ham for giving high fives! Good advice.

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