Giveaway: Dachshund Art


To celebrate the launch of my new blog I’ve decided to do a little giveaway. A giveaway to all my fans who love me, and encouraged me to start this blog!

Did you know that I read each and every one of your comments on my facebook page (and now on here)? They make me so happy. Like I could pee on the floor happy! Now that’s pretty happy!

So to thank all my loyal fans I’m doing a little giveaway! One lucky reader will win a scratch art drawing of a Dachshund by yours truly. I make these drawings with my very own paws, and each one is a unique one-of-a-kind piece.

So you can believe when I’m rich and famous these beauties will be worth a pretty penny!

And don’t worry if you don’t win, I’ll have a special little discount to offer everyone that didn’t win on Friday.

Here’s the details:

PRIZE: One 11″x14″ original scratch art drawing of a dachshund by Ammo the Dachshund (to be chosen by Ammo)
TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “SCRATCH ME”
BONUS QUESTION: What’s the absolute favorite piece of artwork you have hanging in your house? Is it Dachshund art, maybe a vintage poster, or if you’re like me it’s both! My house has a wall of vintage ads that contain Doxies…what better subject!
GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Friday, September 3, 10AM EST
PRIZE SHIPS: The 48 Continental United States
FINE PRINT: Only one entry per e-mail address. The winner will be chosen at random using and announced on Friday. Good luck!

Shop online for scratch art by me, Ammo the Dachshund!


  1. Emily K


    My favorite piece of artwork I have hanging in my house is a 3’x4′ painting my family doctor painted and had hanging in his office for about two years before I got engaged. I had always admired the piece, it’s a highly textured painting with a gold background and really rich, deep red roses gathered together. It’s titled 13 roses and he said people always asked him why 13 and not 12; when my mom asked, I answered before he could and said, ‘why not?’ Turns out he was impressed enough to finally sell the painting to someone. My parents presented it to me as a wedding gift and it has followed me ever since. We just got done moving for a third time and it still hangs front and center!

    Hindsight tells me it would have been immensely more cool if there had been a wiener dog or three painted below the flowers though. 😉

  2. Pat Schin

    SCRATCH ME!! My favorite dachsund wall art is the large Andy Warhol painting of his doxie, Max. It’s prominently displayed in our living room. Of course, I have portraits of my 4 doxies, but I don’t think that’s the kind of art work you mean, lol:D

  3. Cindy Brake

    Scratch Me! Hey Ammo, I’m one of your biggest fans, but all the way up in Canada. My favorite painting is a small 5×7 which I have in my dining room of a red mini smooth dachshund by Robert Bishop. I am quite a Dachshund fanatic, and I’m so glad that I stumbled upon you on Facebook. You’re stories and adventures have helped me through some difficult times. Thanks so much for becoming part of my daily routine 🙂

    Hey ammo, me an bubbles had to talk bout it cause we didn’t eve know what “artwork” was even at first, and then mom told us. so we decided dat our favorite was da pikture of the dachshund in our very own bedroom was probably da best one. …cause everything else is just camer pikctures. PS. great work on dos piktures!

    ~ Texas

  5. Molly Greenfield

    My favorite piece of art in my house was done by my sister who is an artist. It is a girl and a dachshund sitting together knitting. It combines my favorite things – knitting and dachshunds.

  6. christie patton

    Sratch Me!!!! My favorite piece of artwork i have in my house is a picture MY 12 year old twins had done for me…. It is a small picture of My femnale Dachshund Roxy wearing a santa hat… A woman at a local shop does these sort of paintings and the boys saved their money and took a picture of her in and she made it for them and i recieved it as a chriastmas present last year….I loved it and made me cry…



    My favorite piece of artwork hanging in my house is a special picture that Minnow did for me a few years ago. It goes to every Chincoteague exhibit I have along with a picture of Minnow painting it! LOVE IT!

  8. Martha Manfredi-Coughlin

    Oh, how I would love to win such a wonderful piece of art work. The favorite artwork I have now is an oil painting done by a friend many, many years ago. It is a landscape of a place we used to go on vacation when we were kids.

  9. Jami

    Scratch Me!! Honestly my favorite piece of art is our wedding picture! My husband is just warming up to the idea of paintings and such so I’m SLOWLY introducing them into our home!

  10. vldriver

    Scratch me – we love weenie artwork!

  11. Karen Lee Graves

    “Scratch Me” – Ammo, with five doxies of my own, you know that I have pictures of them all over the house, on the wall, on the table, on the desk. My office is even decorated in Doxie stuff (tape dispenser, clock, Wood cutout that says “This is the long and short of it” shaped like a doxie. What more could anyone ask for. I belong to a wonderful Doxie Meetup Group and we are having our Annual DRNA (Dachsund Rescue of North America) on September 19th. We would love to have a piece of your artwork to donate as an Auction item for this wonderful cause. Last year we collected $1,310 in just three hours between cash donations and auction items that our members provide. I will cross my fingers and hope we are the lucky winners of your Blog Grand Opening Giveaway. I love you Ammo (and so does Sienna Rose, Shazta Starfyre, Brutus, Maxi, and My Sonny Daze).

  12. Jim Schin

    SCRATCH ME – We have so many pictures of doxies = but we have a doxie who’s a wiggle butt. We found a painting that looks like her and it says Wiggle Butt. How cool is that! Ammo, I am very jealous of you. The wife is on your site everyday to see you.

  13. Juli C.

    My favorite piece of artwork in my house is a series of prints that contain a cute black and white, slightly overweight doggie and his friend the duck. They are walking down the street in one, and going camping in another. I have four in all. I have two super awesome dachshunds, but not dachshund artwork. Poe is an Isabella shorthair and Newton is a black and white piebald. I think that I am their sidekick!! Thanks for sharing Ammo with us!

    • Juli C.

      My SCRATCH ME! did not show up!!!

  14. Jeanne

    My favorite piece of artwork is a poster of Picasso’s line drawing of a dachshund. It’s so simple but so elegant, and it captures the “essence of dachshund” in just one line! My second favorite is a Looney Tunes print that’s a tribute to Mel Blanc.
    Thanks for starting this blog!

  15. Linda


  16. Hi there. I’m Penny, another dachshund artist. Please visit the link to my blog: I’m trying to get people to sign a petition so we can have an exhibit featuring the artwork of animal artists at the National Gallery of Art with the monetary proceeds going to benefit the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Please go to my blog and click on the petition link and sign up. Ammo, it would be great to have you as a co-exhibitor along with other animals. Please spread the word and promote the petition! We need as many people as possible to sign the petition. Together, I hope we can make this happen. The artwork of animal artists is fantastic. Your art is great by the way. I hope you like mine too. Thanks.

    • Ammo

      High-Five for Dachshund artists, and helping a good cause is fantastic. I donate money with every sale of my artwork to help different rescue groups and so do my siblings, the famous Painting Ponies. I’d be happy to help sign your petition.

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