A trip to the bank might seem like a common nuisance of a chore to you, but to a little doxie like me, it’s a big adventure. I mean it’s hard enough for me to write out my deposit slip with these cumbersome paws!
So imagine my surprise when my local bank in town invited me inside! See I’m practically a celebrity over there. They have my newspaper article hanging in the lobby, and every time I come in the ladies & gents swoon over me. I have to admit, I am pretty dashing.
The peeps in the bank even offered up a safety deposit box for me, shall I ever need a more secure place to keep my bones. A pretty tempting offer, should my ‘rents ever find my secret stash. Shhh! Don’t tell.

Love the pictures. It is great to keep in touch this way.
I miss all of you and this makes it feel like I am right back in Downingtown. Thanks Ammo. Love, Grandmom