
Shoes. They smell like stinky versions of our people and they taste even better. But this post isn’t about shoes – it’s about where those shoes go.

I mean duh I know my people have sensitive feet and require protective shoes (unlike my tough paws that can climb mountains), but I’m talking about where they go when they aren’t in use. At my house this is a big box. A big box with grassy stuff on the outside that I may or may not have chewed up when I was a pup. I won’t admit to anything!!

Anyway, while Trooper was hanging out at my house the other day, my mom decided to fix the unsightly shoe box. I was just thrilled that all the shoes ended up on the floor! I may or may not have tried to squeeze a few through my doggie door. I won’t admit to anything!!

ooooh, shoes!
I'm gonna blame it on Trooper. hehe

I'll TRY not to touch it this time! I mean Trooper did it!

blog header from here.

1 Comment

  1. Pat Schin

    Ammo, you can chew on my shoes anyday.

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