Last Saturday I joined the Elite and took a trip to Dressage at Devon. Dressage to me looks like a bunch of fancy ponies prancing around (sometimes to music) in an arena. But being as I’m a super amazing horse trainer, I know it’s got to be so much more than that. Mom told me that Dressage is sort of like Ballet for horses (except without the tutus). In fact, my mom herself has a fancy smancy Dressage horse, Niatross – or as we call him around the farm “Nitro”. When Nitro was younger he was apparently quite the Dressage competitor, but nowadays Nitro is happily enjoying retirement at the family farm. Should I be so lucky someday!

During my trip to Devon I got to watch the Grand Prix Dressage Freestyles, in which the horses ride to music. Sometimes Dressage can get kinda boring – and it’s typical to hear a lot of Classical Music. However, this year a lot of the riders used some really neat music – including Madonna’s “Vogue”. I don’t know much about music, but I do know I was dancing in my seat to all the cool beats!
The other thing about Devon is the crowds, not just the people crowd, but the dog crowd. It’s a known fact that only the coolest dogs attend Devon. I’m not trying to brag, but I’m like a Devon expert. I know just how to navigate the crowds without being stepped on – and believe me, I can totally sniff out the funnel cake!

During my escapades in the crowd I met lots of new people. I even met a lady that said she bred Dachshunds. She told me I was a very gorgeous Dachshund – don’t worry I told her I was a boy and that she should call me handsome. She oo’d and ahh’d over my red dapple coat….and something about Wild Boar hair on my tail. I don’t know what the heck she was talking about, but I KNOW I didn’t come from any Wild Boar.

Fancy Dressage ponies weren’t the only ones at Devon. I even got to meet a few “officers” – I promise I’m not in trouble with the law. I kinda kept my distance though, would you believe that their feat are bigger than my entire body? I didn’t know ponies came that big!?

Sigh. Devon proved to be just too exhausting for me and I conked out before the end of the show. Maybe next year I’ll be able to stay up for the whole thing!