Giveaway: Doggie Prize Pack

UPDATE: This contest is no longer accepting entries – see winner here.

Since I got a new winter coat yesterday, I thought it was only fair that my friends got something too. So how about another giveaway!! Yeah!

You all remember the squeaky toy I got right?

A bonus to my new coat.....I got a super sweet squeaky toy!

Well how about we have a little contest to see who can guess how long I can keep it alive!

First a little background on my “de-squeaking” abilities. Do you remember my Buddy?

Well he only lasted a few days…..

But that’s not to say I won’t keep this squeeky toy around for a few days, maybe even weeks….he’s already survived day #1 unharmed. You never know!!

Here’s the details:

PRIZE: one doggie prize pack filled with fun specially chosen by Ammo
TO ENTER: Comment on this post with a guess as to what DATE you think my yellow squeaky face toy will cease to live. (we count death as any punctures to his face)
GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Whenever the squeaky toy dies! So comment now, or take your chances and wait a few days.
PRIZE SHIPS: Everywhere!
FINE PRINT: Only one entry per e-mail address. The winner will be chosen at random using  from all of the correct answers and announced whenever we say adios to little yellow happy face. Good luck!

post header image from here.


  1. Christie patton

    My guess for the death of squeaky toy will be 10/21/10…. (my birthday)…lol…I think it will last at least a week….:)

  2. Joanne Hutter

    I think the toy will be destroyed by the end of today – 10/13/10. My doxie’s got this toy too, but I hid it from them because I knew they would fight over it and it would not have been pretty! I love your new coat – the color becomes you!!!

  3. Molly

    Ammo, I think your toy will last you about a day – so tomorrow – 10/14/10. And where did you get your coat? You look so handsome in the color and style!

  4. Alicia

    Ammo, basing my guess off toy life in my household I will give you till the 15th to destroy. Have fun until then!

  5. pat schin

    Bedtime tonight!! Surprised it’s still “alive” now.

  6. jim schin

    I have to answer this…my wife is in love with you and talks about you daily, lol.

    I give it til Saturday the 16th. Something to do on the weekend.

  7. Man alive…I would totally guess today but thats taken! It wouldn’t last 10 minutes in our house. HA! We’ve had a bunch of those faces and they’ve never lasted 10 minutes but I’ll guess the 17th…

  8. Ammo

    FYI to all my guessers….you CAN guess the same date as someone else. The winner will then be drawn from all the correct guessers at random.

  9. Amanda

    LOL 🙂 It wouldn’t even last a couple of hours with my little doxie Louie. But I’ll say until 10/18/10. Have fun Ammo!

  10. Buddy

    I’m guessing (er…….Buddy is guessing) October 16th as the projected date of the de-squeaking

  11. nicole

    Bruno the chihuahua thinks you can hold out til Saturday! 10/16/10!

  12. Abbi

    I give it till Friday, 10/15!

  13. Jelly your fellow doxie

    10/14/10 – That’s my guess! But, if you’re like Jelly…you won’t discriminate and will play with broken toys too!

  14. John Hutter

    I think the toy will last until tomorrow October 14th because it is going to rain tomorrow and you will be looking for something to do to keep you busy. My Lily would have destroyed it in a second so my wife had to hide it from her and little Cocoa.

  15. Linsey

    I give it a little over a day – it will be flat by tomorrow afternoon, 10-14-10. My doxie doesn’t let things last long either!

  16. Brianna & Billie Bumbler

    My buddy was brutalized! Billie says your new squeeky has until Sunday 10/17/10.

  17. suz

    Since apparently you haven’t lost your new toy yet, I will say October 23! I think you can keep him alive that long!

    • Ammo

      ah….it may pay off to wait to guess the D-Day of my little friend! His smiling face is indeed still alive! Perhaps I will keep him alive till the 23rd….you never know! Mom said she’s shocked he made it this far!

      • suz

        You make me laugh!

  18. Nicole

    Hmm, Mal often deceivingly lets his plastic toys last longer than his stuffed ones, so I will guess the 25th!

  19. Joanne Hutter

    If we can vote again, I will say October 31st – Halloween!!!

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