Food on the Farm

Horse farms are great if you are a horse. There always seems to be food to eat no matter where you are….hay, grain, grass, treats…it never ends! But for a starving (ok ok I’m not really starving) doxie, you have to be a little more resourceful.

Now grant it, there’s horse poop….always good for a little snack. And you could opt to hunt down your own dinner (ie mice, rats, moles).

But if you’re feeling a little lazy (and it’s just a tad bit chilly outside the barn) then there are some tasty treats to be found right inside the stable.

You have to know just where to look
There’s a secret stash of yummy stuff right behind the hay
Score! If you do a little digging, right under the hay are bits of dropped grain that the ponies spill!
I guess my secret spot is not so secret anymore!

Just make sure the hay is UNDER the feed tub….otherwise you are just wasting your time my friend!


  1. Linda

    Ammo, what a clever little dachsie you are! And might I say that you are looking very dapper in your new coat!

  2. Cindy

    I love reading your adventures Ammo, and I do agree that you are very dapper in your coat!

  3. Hi! We came here via the blog hop, and we’ll definitely be back – we love your cape, and your very clever mind!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

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