Don’t worry it’s not that kind of snatching.
See for the past week I’ve been noticing a little birdie on my way to work. She would perch on the fence next to the sidewalk where I walk everyday. She’d get sooo close to me I could almost touch her! Don’t worry I wasn’t going to eat her!
Mom and I thought it was strange that a bird would get that close to us, and seeing as how it was a strange looking bird too, we looked it up online.

So we decided our little friend the Finch must have escaped from someone’s house. And I told mom that I wanted a little bird sister and that we had to rescue her before it got WAY too cold!
Mom tried to catch the bird on her own….but it seems that she only wants to come out from hiding when I’m around….go figure!
So mom and I decided to set up a little home for her, so maybe she will feel safe enough to come home with us.

When I was leaving work I spotted some unwanted visitors eating my bird’s food!
Don’t worry I scared them off!
I guess my bird catching will have to wait for another day. I hope it doesn’t get too cold outside for my little bird friend!
Hi Ammo,
The bird is a female Zebra Finch. I have a pair of them and they just laid an egg that hatched. The baby will be a week old tomorrow, and I have to wait and see what sex it is and get the pet store to order in a mate. They are fun to watch, and my Dachshund Chester always wants me to pick him up to show him the birds. I guess he’s like you! By the way, the egg hatched on Chester’s birthday. How cool is that?
very cool! Makes me keep hoping I can catch my little bird friend!
Ammo, what a kind and wonderful heart you having trying to rescue your little bird friend. She is such a pretty little thing and you are right about it getting too cold for her. I have had cockatiels for years and you have to keep them out of the chill. You might try to put a fake bird in the cage and see if it attracts her. I am sure your mom has seen them at the craft store. Or, maybe a recording of a finch next to the cage would work to get her interested. I really hope you can get her soon.
I hope I can catch her too! Mom thinks maybe we need to get a net.
I like your ideas, I might have to try it….I’m worried my bird friend won’t survive much longer if I can’t bring her inside.
Ammo, your sense of urgency is correct. That little birdie won’t last long now that we have frost at night. I think the lure of a little stuffed bird in the cage and then a “net” capture would most likely be your best bet. I think that the bird wants to be captured is giving you a chance by staying close. Please keep us posted on your progress.
Did the bird ever go in the cage?
No. Sadly I never did catch my bird friend.
I think the temperature will be warm enough for the little bird for several weeks Ammo. You are such a good friend to be concerned though.