Ok so I know everyone is probably DYING to know how my performance went over the weekend (check out my facebook page for an update as to whether or not I won the contest). I PROMISE I will tell you EVERYTHING that happened during my trip…..but……seeing as how I knew I’d be zonked when I got home, I wrote this little post ahead of time so I’d be able to rest a little on Monday.
So you might have to wait another day, but don’t worry, I’ll have lots of pictures and adventures to share soon.
Now for today’s post…..
Right before my big trip, mom and I decided that I needed a little extra prop. And seeing as how I’m a super talented artist – it seemed fitting that I get my own Painters Berret. Afterall, all the cool artists have them.

So mom helped me fashion a piece of an old horse polo wrap into a super stylish berret for me. What do you think?
FYI it was really late and I was super tired. I’ll have to do a better photoshoot with my berret once I’m more awake. You can bet this is what I’m doing today as well, as I recover from my busy weekend.
Rembrandt photo from here.
post header image from here.
hee hee – very very coolio!
Ammo, you are a little wienie with a beanie!!! You look so handsome in your berret!
Ammo, you did it again…you made me smile:D