Death Trap

Do you blame me for being scared?

That thing is totally out to get me.

Stop looking at me scary machine.

Thank goodness I made it out alive. Until next time scary machine, until next time.

P.S. Don’t worry I’m not sick, I just had to get my annual vet check-up. And I’m as healthy as a horse! Dr. said I’m ready for another year of adventures!

Don’t forget….

Today my online shop will be having a CYBER MONDAY SALE from 5AM to 12AM on Tuesday! All items are 10% off.

As a bonus, use the coupon code CYBERSALE10 at checkout to receive an additional 10% off!

blog post header from here.


  1. Linda

    Ammo, I am glad to hear you survived your trip to the vet! Always a very scary time with big monsters and stuff. And that you got a clean bill of health so you can continue adventuring….good job dude!

  2. Wow. Our vet doesn’t have scary monsters like that! (Well, unless you count our vet, who’s about 6’4 and speaks in a booming voice… He’s such a nice guy, though, that it is hard to be scared of him for long.) I hope our vet stays away from those things! Glad to hear that you are healthy – that’s always good! 🙂

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  3. Cindy

    Glad your trip to the vet went well! I know what you mean about the scary machines…my little ones don’t like the machines either, and mommy thinks the bills are what’s really scary:) LOL! Looking forward to another year of reading about your adventures Ammo – you really brighten my day:)

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