Yesterday I got to do some scampering around the farm with my two favorite kitties, Cricket and Spider, before work.
I still don’t understand how Cricket is perfectly fine in the chilly barn without a sweater and I have to wear TWO winter coats, and I’m still cold! Do you think that makes me a Pansie?
Even little itty bitty Spider has no problem with the Winter air. I’m beginning to think something is wrong with me…..I swear I’m not an “indoor dog”.
oh look, so cute.
Sometimes I worry about what Cricket is teaching Spider when I’m not around. I mean just look…..they’re both practicing their sneak attacks – on me!
I just wish they wouldn’t practice on me while I’m “compromised”. Can’t a dog relieve himself in private?
And thus ends my exciting morning at the farm. Until next time!
Oh Ammo, You are too funny! Thanks for my daily chuckle:)
Awwww Ammo, you started my day with a dose of sunshine!!! And not to mention some chuckles!
Really Ammo-you could at least go behind a tree where I do my doodoo! Kitties are in for a surprise indeed.