
My mom takes a lot of photos of me, like a way lot. I know it’s only because I’m so adorable she just can’t help it, but little did I know that I was in for some photo trickery!

I was just minding my own business at the farm when suddenly strange noises started coming out of mom’s iphone. Then BAM! mom snapped a photo of me!

Totally uncool.

See thanks to Pawsh Magazine, mom got to test out the new App for her iphone called Pet Pic (update- app no longer available). So instead of my usual bribes of biscuits & delectable treats to tempt me into having my photo taken – I’m being tricked by the alluring sound of squeaky toys and barking dogs. It’s just cruel!

I decided to do a little photo trickery myself. So I stole mom’s iphone and decided to test the Pet Pic App out on the ponies.

Looks like I’m not the only one who likes squeaky toys! Ha ha!

The best part is that the Pet Pic App makes kitty sounds too……hehe……oh Spider……I have a surprise for you……


  1. Rhonda

    Oh Ammo, you did it again; you have me laughing at the funny things you say and do…you are hysterical!!! I love you little Ammo 🙂

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