Easter Treats

Well my Easter plan worked, because the Easter Bunny definitely visited my house!

Mom made me wait to open my Easter basket until after we went to the farm & fed all the ponies. As you can imagine by that point I could hardly contain my excitement! So when I finally got my paws on those presents he left for me – I went a little nuts.

Oh Boy!

Immediately I took cover under the bushes in my yard, because I knew Trooper would want to play with my new toys.


As you can see he found me.

But that’s ok, because Trooper’s gonna have this look on his face when I get even!….


1 Comment

  1. Didn’t your mom enver tell you not to play in your best Sunday clothes and get dirty? It looks like you enjoyed the packing paper as much as the rubber duck. Chester and Gretel didn’t get any presents this year 🙁 Mom will make up for it next year.

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