Capeless Super Dog

It’s that time of year again. Time to break out my super helmet & super cape and start practicing all of my super skills! Because this super dog is going to school!


Apparently next week me and my pal Minnow the Painting Pony are taking a trip to an elementary school! I have to know something about the famous Misty of Chincoteague – you know – from the children’s book. Something tells me I better get the cliff notes, that or maybe Minnow will let me copy off of him if there’s a test.

Regardless on being a little behind on my reading assignments, I have been practicing really hard.

Oh, what’s happening over there?

Spider & Cricket are off on a hunting expedition without me?

Sorry, my super hero duties will have to wait until later! I’ve got some hunting to do!


P.S. Super Heroes are a lot more SUPER when SOMEONE remembers to bring their SUPER CAPE to practice. Honestly. I would have made my hoop jump had I had my special cape!



  1. uh oh! my mom said not to worry ammo and she will be working on your second cape soon so hopefully it will be that much harder to forget at least one of your capes!! 🙂 b

  2. Trooper

    What happened—- your head get too big for that helmet?

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