DIY $5 Rope Dog Leash

So mom noticed lately that I’ve been ooh and ahhing over this trendy rope leash from Mungo & Maud. And while I’ll always think it’s super stylin’ – $110 for a new leash for me just wasn’t in the budget.

Instead, on a recent trip to a tack shop in Delaware – mom came up with a plan to make me my very own Rope Leash. For $5!

D.I.Y. $5 Rope Dog Leash

Supplies: cotton horse lead rope, hammer, rope clamp

Step One: You will need to obtain a cotton horse leadrope. I got mine at a horse tack shop for $3. You can also get them online* and at most tack supply places. Or check your local horse supply store.

*affiliate link

Step Two: You will need to buy a clamp to make the end of your rope into a handle. I bought a package of two (you know, incase I need a rope leash for my best pal Trooper) for $4.39 (about $2 for each one) at the local hardware store. Most hardware stores should carry them in the rope section, and you can find them online*.

*affiliate link

Step 3: Figure out how big of a handle you want at the other end and adjust your rope into the clamp accordingly. It also helps to have a cute little dachshund around for supervision.

Step 4: You will need the help of your dad to hammer the clamp shut around the rope.

Then Tada! You are ready for your next walk in your stylish dog leash!

If you don’t have access to a horse lead rope, you can also use any cotton rope. You will just need too metal rope clamps and a snap for the end – all supplies can be found at the local hardware store.

Yeah, you know you want to beg your mom or dad to make you one of these bad boys!

I think I need one of these in every color! Almost as good as the real thing…..

Rope Leash from Mungo & Maud Ammo the Dachshund // Blog Signature // Celebrity


  1. Being a sailing dog, we would use a three strand nautical rope, but the cotton horse rope would work here too, then put in a standard eye splice probably on each end, one for the clip for the attachment to the collar, the other for the hand loop. It could be finished off with a simple whipping.

    Alternatively, while at the hardware, buy some electrical shrink tubing in a large enough size for both ends of the rope to slip through. Size the loops as required then heat the shrink tubing. The tubing comes in at least red and black, so you could increase the appearance with some color coordination. A bit of strength testing would be in order, but I think for a small dog, this would be strong enough.

    • Ammo

      cool idea! next time i’m in the market for another leash I’ll for sure have to make my mom give this method a try! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is definitely "city nightlife" If Joe in Perry, Kansas goes out for drinks every night its alcoholic behavior, or at least people would gossip about

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