Friday Fetch: Dog Pool Float

dog pool float loungerThey don’t call it the dog days of summer for nothing! It’s scorching out there right now! That’s why if I had a pool I’d totally be begging mom and dad for one of these. Come to think of it, they might work out just great for floating down the Brandywine River too! Ooooooh Mom….

The Dog Pool Float Louger from Frontgate makes it so your favorite partner in crime can float in style – or stay cool as he lounges on the deck. It’s made of Vinyl-coated fabric and nonporous foam with make it ultra-buoyant and strong. It’s also crafted with puncture-resistant, woven vinyl mesh that won’t stain, fade, or mildew. When dampened, it will keep your pet cool and relaxed. They come in a variety of colors and sizes.

You can fetch your own Dog Pool Float Lounger from Frontgate for $90 – $130

dog pool float lounger

dog pool float lounger


1 Comment

  1. Pia

    that really looks very comfortable! i wish i had one…

    dachshund kiss

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