Raining Cats and Dogs

On Tuesday Mom said it was raining cats and dogs outside. Seeing as how I’ve only ever seen regular rain, I was super excited to check out all my new cat and dog friends when I got home from work. So I burst through the doggie door in search of said “cats and dogs”.

ammo the dachshund doggie door

I bounded all over the yard looking for my new friends.

ammo the dachshund in the rain

So you can imagine my disappointment when all I found was regular old rain.

ammo the dachshund in the rain

ammo the dachshund in the rain

“Momma, where are all the cats and dogs?”

ammo the dachshund in the rain

ammo the dachshund in the rain

Sigh. Well, the good news is that since the cats and dogs didn’t show up ….. I don’t have to share any of my toys!



  1. Love, love, love the picture of your butt going through your doggie door:)

    Jasper won’t set foot outside when it’s raining, he doesn’t like to get wet.

  2. Linda

    Yes, great hiney shot Ammo!

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