Toy Box

This is what my sad, sad toy box has been looking like lately…

ammo's toy box

See that one lonely toy? Yeah, I’ve had that toy since I was a puppy – it’s in there for a reason – it tastes like plastic, and I don’t like it! And sadly, that was the ONLY toy I had left, well, until mom took me to the toy shop (aka Petsmart) on Saturday!

ammo at petsmart

ammo at petsmart

I picked out 3 toys, well I picked out way more than that, but mom only let me bring home the ones she thought I MIGHT not be able to destroy.

1. Owsley the Owl by Martha Stewart Pets from Petsmart 2. Rope Bone by Martha Stewart Pets from Pestmart 3. JW Pet Company Hol-ee Cuz toy from Petsmart

ammo's new toy

Of course I went straight to work trying to destroy my new toys.

ammo's new toy

My “cuz” toy lost his little legs about an hour later. It had to be done. After all, I didn’t want him walking off in the night now did I?

ammo's new toy

Owsley the Owl safely made it through the night, but by Monday evening I ate both his ears off. He gave me the “dirty owl eye” so I let him have it. And my Rope Bone….still in the packaging, because mom won’t let me have him yet! Whats the fun in getting new toys if your mom won’t let you destroy them anyway. jeesh.

So, what about you? Know of any TOTALLY indestructible dog toys? I bet I could still kill it. Anyone bury their toys instead of destroying them? I’ve tried that too, but it’s just not as fun as the kill.



  1. Pia

    i like to destroy the ears first too. just like you, ammo!

    i think your new toys are really lovely and i can understand completely why you wanted it to don’t run away. so a surgery was the only solution, right? hee hee

    dachshund kiss

  2. Macy

    Try the fleece braided ropes and KONG toys! They last a long time and are harder to destruct! 🙂

  3. I laugh at “indestructible”. They only toys that have gone the distance are the firehose toys (they still get shredded) and nylon bones (not as much fun because when I chew they get pokey points that hurt my feet).
    My absolute favorite are TENNIS BALLS.

  4. Quantico & Langley's Mom


    I just stumbled across this and Ammo is adorable. I have two dachshunds, a male (Quantico) and a female (Langley). The only toy that Quantico can’t destroy (and LOVES!) is a ball a friend of mine picked up for him at Walmart that makes chirping noises but we’ve been unable to find another and alas, all the slobber has ruined the chirper inside the ball. If anyone sees one of these, please, PLEASE let Quantico know at Thanks!

    • Ammo

      Humm, haven’t seen one of those before, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled!

  5. Dachshunds

    Cool ! 🙂

  6. Donna

    Heidi the dachshund here. I won’t play with plastic because I eat the plastic and that worries my mom. I have some toys that I’ve hhad forever but than, look out. I destroy in no time. I’ve decapitated my toys and taken legs and arms off. Never met a stuffing I couldn’t get out.

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