Picasso Pony

It’s no surprise that I spend my time with a bunch of famous painting ponies. And when mom announces “it’s a painting day”, she really means it’s a painting DAY. As in I have to spend ALL day hanging around the farm while the ponies put their brushes to work.

ammo with painting ponies

Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing them create masterpieces, but all day can get kind of tiring.

ammo with painting ponies

But, the ponies always make sure everyone has a good time. Like Boomerang, who tells the best jokes when he’s painting – they even make him giggle!

ammo with painting ponies

ammo with painting ponies

At the end of the day, the best part is always the clean-up. Well, at least it is for little doxies that love to lick the floor clean of spilled cheerios and the ponies’ sweet feed.

ammo with painting ponies

You can check out all of the ponies’ masterpieces from our day of painting on their Blog.

P.S. Make sure you tell them that I sent you – so maybe next time they’ll leave a few extra cheerios on the floor for me!


  1. We’ve looked through their paintings on their website. They are great!

  2. Dachshunds

    anyone else love this post as much as me ? :

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