Guess what!? Mom got me my very own banner!
I’m so excited I could shout it from the rooftops!
I did what any dog with a totally awesome new banner would do, I had a photo shoot!
The “I’m so adorable you just want to squeeze me” Pose
The “My stunning good looks could kill you” Pose
The “Who me?” Pose
The “I’m kinda a big deal” Pose
The “Don’t worry, I’ll save you” Pose
The “My mama says just because I’m little doesn’t mean I can’t play too” Pose
I was pretty much feeling like the king of the World, but then I saw it….
The ponies got a new banner too……and it was like 4 times the size of mine.
The “What the heck, the ponies got a bigger banner than me” Pose!
Sigh. Talk about a total buzz kill.
Artist, blogger, stunt dog and all around cutie pie!

Wow Ammo, getting your own banner is something! I like your “adorable and want to squeeze you” pose the best but all are great. I guess the ponies needed a bigger banner since they are a group of artists.
Very cool Ammo…nice photo shoot too. You are so cute! I think the ponies banner was bigger because there’s more than one pony.
Awesome, looking great Ammo!
Absolutely love anything like this
Ammo you are just too cute!! What is the design of the cape you have on in this photo shoot?