
Sometimes Trooper comes to visit me at the shop. When we were both younger Trooper and I both used to come to the shop together everyday, but then Trooper got a new job. Now Trooper visits the nursing home and rounds up the ponies on the farm almost daily – making his visits to the shop a little less frequent.

trooper at the shop

So when he does come to visit, I’m even more enthusiastic to see him.

Trooper and Ammo at the Shop

“OMG It’s you! I can’t believe you came to visit!”

Trooper and Ammo at the Shop

“I’m so excited I could kiss you!”

Trooper and Ammo at the Shop

“Now that we’ve got that awkwardness out of the way, want to play tug-o-war?”


  1. Trooper

    Oh my dear Ammo–I love you too!! I do like chasing ponies though so you will just have to settle for occasional visits.

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