Friday Fetch: Furry and Fancy

adam voorhes photographyI don’t know about you, but I LOVE having my picture taken. Dressing up like someone you aren’t, making silly faces, and simply having a good time! So when I stumbled across the photography of Adam Voorhes (via)- I knew – someday I must meet this guy so he can take my picture!

He somehow manages to make pooches, bears, and even chickens look dignified and fancy – and we all know how scrappy those chickens can be! hehe.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorite shots – you can check out more of his work on his website.

adam voorhes photography

adam voorhes photography

adam voorhes photography

adam voorhes photography

adam voorhes photography

adam voorhes photography

Had to throw the meat shot in there, do you blame me?

1 Comment

  1. cate

    These photographs are brilliant – love the cool pig shot! 🙂

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