Ludwigs Day 2

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

I’ll admit, after Day 1 at the Ludwigs Corner Horse Show I was a little tired. It’s hard being adorable all the time.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

But, mom brought out the big guns (aka chicken) and I was more than happy to show everyone my favorite tricks!

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

Not trying to brag, but no one plays dead like I do!

minnow the painting pony

Minnow drew a crowd too with his amazing painting skills……but really…..I stole the show!

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

“Super Ammo” knows how to make everyone laugh.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

Even when you have technical difficulties with your stunt helmet.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

In fact, I got so much love after my performances that I think Minnow was jealous!

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

All that excitement really wears a boy out!

ammo the dachshund napping

When I got back to the farm I took a well deserved nap. Which actually ended up being pretty short lived…

ammo and trooper

Because Trooper was just begging to be chased!

You can check out more pictures from our adventure on the Painting Pony Blog!

1 Comment

  1. Jane

    It looks like you were loved by all Ammo, but I think Trooper was happy you got back for playtime with him.

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