Birthday Week: My Presents!

Yippee! I had a pretty fun Birthday yesterday!

ammo the dachshund birthday hat

My day started off pretty regular, but then my bestest pal Trooper came to spend the day with me at the shop.

ammo's birthday

We pretty much did the normal stuff….

trooper and ammo wrestling

…you know, taking turns wearing the party hat and trying to eat each other…..

ammo's birthday

….I swear I won the match! And not just because it was my Birthday!

minnow the painting pony

After work I headed out to the farm where Minnow and all my pony friends sang Happy Birthday to me! I won’t lie, I made them sing it twice just for kicks.

Then back at home I FINALLY got to open my Birthday gifts from mom and dad.

ammo's birthday

Mom baked me some very special Birthday Bones and I got some new toys to play with too!

ammo's birthday

Just in case you are wondering, no I’m not going to share.


P.S. Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday on my Facebook Page! I feel so loved! And don’t worry, Birthday week isn’t over yet – I still have a whole bunch more fun in store!

1 Comment

  1. Renée de Bruin

    And I wish I could visit you!

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