Friday Fetch: Nobility Dogs

nobility dog printsWe all know dogs are pretty important in the face of history, but artist Sij Sandra of Nobility Dogs takes it one step further. Using historic works from famous artists, she inserts canines to portray them as wealthy noblemen, kings and queens, even dukes and duchesses. And her main inspiration? Her Dachshunds of course!

Not only does Sij create canvas glicee prints from her work, but she also has brooches, shoulder bags, scarves, and watercolor prints. You can even order a commissioned work that includes a picture of your favorite canine pal. I’m thinking I totally need a print of me riding in on a white steed to save the day, what do you think?

You can fetch your own Nobility Dog print here for around $30.

nobility dog prints

nobility dog prints

nobility dog prints

nobility dog prints

nobility dog prints

1 Comment

  1. Dachshund Nola

    Ha thats so funny! I love your blog!
    Dachshund Nola

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