Rocket Dog 2.0

Remember how I lost my rocket pack that my mom made me for Halloween? And I suspected that the groundhog in my backyard found it and was rocketing around all over the place? Yeah, well I was pretty sad about not having a Halloween costume this year, but my mom knew just what to do to make me feel better.

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

It’s Rocket Pack 2.0! My mom made me another one – an UPGRADED one to be exact.

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

See version 2.0 has wings, which means I can rocket even faster!

ammo the dachshund rocket dog dino

I was having so much fun playing Halloween dress up that I even tried out a few different versions for my costume. Rocket Dinosaur? It’s a possibility.

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

Ultimately I think I decided on just plain Rocket Dog though, it really highlights the rocket pack. Although there is one more thing that would make my costume out of this world…

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

Mom, can you PLEASE make me a rocket ship out of this cardboard box?

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

I promise if I end up blasting to the moon that I’ll be back in time for dinner! After all I don’t want to miss tick-or-treating.

Happy Howl-o-weenie Everyone!


  1. Jane

    Oscar wanted to say Happy Howl-o-weenie to you too Ammo! He thinks your new rocket pack is much better
    and so cool to be a Rocket Dog for Halloween fun.

    • Ammo

      Thanks! I’m not sure how I’ll top it for next year!

  2. cate

    That’s brilliant Ammo, just brilliant!

    • Ammo

      Thanks! Halloween is my favorite time of year!

  3. Happy Halloween! Love your costume, I’m going to be a unicorn.
    Dachshund nola

    • Ammo

      A unicorn is a fabulous costume!

  4. Mike

    Rocket Pack 2.0 looks soooo good!

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