Friday Fetch: Mr Chewy

mr chewyI was super excited when my pals over at Mr Chewy offered me a chance to test out their website. Their tag line? Delivering Pet Happiness – basically I was sold.

Mr Chewy is a website that sells pet food, treats, and toys at everyday low prices. The best part, you can get it shipped right to your front door with free shipping on orders over $49.

When I went to check out the website, the first thing on my mind was FOOD. So I was super stoked when I saw that they carry my pet food of choice, Wellness, which also happened to be a tad cheaper than at my local pet store too. So I loaded up my cart in their easy to navigate site with the essential dry dog food and of course a few other items that I thought would be fun to try.

mr chewy

Here’s a list of what made it into my shopping cart:

Three days later there was a package waiting for me at my front door.

ammo the dachshund mr chewy

I wasted no time digging into my package full for goodies from Mr Chewy.

ammo the dachshund mr chewy

Everything smelled so wonderful, but I quickly pulled out my favorite pick of the bunch.

ammo the dachshund mr chewy

If you’re wondering how I liked it, just check out my eyes, no explanation needed!

The best part about ordering from Mr Chewy is that it saved me a 12 mile trip to my local pet shop to get more dog food. Which means I have way more time in my day for more adventures! Yipee!

As a bonus you can even schedule monthly deliveries of your favorite products like dog food and flea & tick prevention. Plus you can save 15% when you schedule your first delivery. I’m thinking I need a monthly delivery of bones & cookies – now if I can just locate mom’s credit card!

You can check out Mr Chewy by visiting their website or following them on facebook & twitter.


Disclosure – I was given a gift certificate from my pals at Mr Chewy in exchange for a review of their site. However, all opinions are entirely my own!

1 Comment

  1. Linda

    Those are some crazy eyes Ammo, I guess you REALLY liked it!

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