Helper Boy

Weekend projects around my house tend to always involve a do-it-yourself mentality.

ammo the dachshund paint helper

And on this particular weekend, mom’s d.i.y. project to update the office took over my sunroom.

ammo the dachshund paint helper

Even though my sunning space was suddenly way more crowded, I was thrilled when mom said I could help, because as you know I’m really really good at helping.

ammo the dachshund paint helper

However, when the paint roller proved to be too difficult for my cumbersome paws I decided to improvise….

ammo the dachshund paint helper

….sadly mom didn’t think it was such a good idea and I was promptly relinquished from my duties as helper boy.



  1. Aww you look so cute with a painted tail! Your sun room looks like a perfect place for a nap
    Kisses and Tail Wags,
    Dachshund Nola

  2. So glad I read this, Ammo! I’m getting ready to do some painting & I know Buddy & Lucy want to help. Now I know what to do!

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