Ammo’s Christmas Recap – part 2

Yesterday you heard about my trip to the farm on Christmas morning and today I’m going to show you what Santa brought me for Christmas. After heading home from the farm I dove head first into my presents!

ammo the dachshund's christmas

If you didn’t already know, I’m a skilled present unwrap-per. It’s a gift really.

ammo the dachshund's christmas

Just check out this fun video of me unwrapping my presents on Christmas morning:

The aftermath always looks a little something like this.

ammo the dachshund's christmas

But boy did I get a whole bunch of fabulous gifts!

ammo the dachshund's christmas

Santa brought me a super fun stuffie toy that looked just like himself, and I also got this super fun bowtie from Silly Buddy (hi Buddy!). Mom and Dad bought me some new dog bowls from Garnet Hill and some all natural dog treats from a cool bakery in New York called Bocce’s Bakery. And lastly I got gifted an awesome gift card to Yellow Brick Home, so that I can get a portrait of ME! How fun!

But my Christmas Adventure didn’t stop there. Next I was headed over to Trooper’s house, where Trooper let me play with all his new Christmas presents.

ammo's christmas adventure

ammo's christmas adventure

I even gifted Trooper a batch of dog cookies and my mom and dad got him a custom portrait from Yellow Brick Home too!

Eventually I made my way over to mom mom’s house where I got to watch all my cousins open their Christmas gifts.

ammo's christmas adventure

I might have helped some with the unwrapping…

ammo's christmas adventure

….and eventually I ended up more festive looking than when I arrived!

ammo's christmas adventure

As you can imagine, I passed out in the car on the way home. This much Christmas excitement really wears a boy out! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family. Now I’ve got to rest up…..because this weekend is NEW YEARS! Woohoo!


  1. Ammo! Looks like you got some awesome gifts and you are looking extra dapper my man 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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