Friday Fetch: Snowsuits for Dogs

It comes at no surprise that I LOVE the snow. Sure, it’s cold and wet – but where else can you make tunnels that last for miles! So while I countdown the days until our first big snowstorm, I got to thinking, maybe I need a snowsuit?

Well lucky for me I found a whole section on dog snowsuits at Baxter Boo. Now I can hardly wait for the white stuff to fall from the sky!

dog snowsuit

dog snowsuit

dog snowsuit

dog snowsuit

You can fetch your own doggie snowsuit at Baxter Boo.


  1. Mr. Monkey

    Hmmm – I wonder of they make them long enough for us weenies?

  2. Spoiled Doxie

    We got about 10 cm last night and another 15 today up here in Ottawa, Canada!

  3. cate

    Aww -great purple suit with LOVE on the bum!

  4. Lee M Herrling

    Looking for 2 for my miniature Dachshunds. Do the customize?

    • Ammo

      You’d have to check with the company that makes them as I am not sure.

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