Easter Bunny Disguise

Last year I had to improvise with my Easter Bunny Disguise so that Mr. Bunny himself wouldn’t skip over my house (on account of all the backyard bunny chasing I had been doing).

Fast forward a year later, and despite my best efforts, I still can’t stop chasing those bunnies in the back yard….it’s just way too fun. So I decided to get official with my bunny disguise this year.

ammo the dachshund easter bunny outfit

Much better right?

ammo the dachshund easter bunny outfit

ammo the dachshund easter bunny outfit

I’ve even been practicing my bunny nose wiggle.

ammo the dachshund easter bunny outfit

There – it wiggled, did you see it?

ammo the dachshund easter bunny outfit

I’m pretty certain there is NO WAY Mr. Easter Bunny can skip my house now, on account of I fit right into the “Family”. 

1 Comment

  1. Jane

    Yes Ammo, this year’s Easter Bunny disguise is much better. I hope it works. 🙂

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