The non-Adventure Days

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Contrary to popular belief, not “everyday” is an adventure at my house.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

On those rare days that there isn’t much going on, I can be found like this.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Fighting the urge to sleep, because you never know when you need to be ready for your next big adventure.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

ammo the dachshund sleeping

ammo the dachshund sleeping

It’s best to sleep with one eye open too, because…..

ammo the dachshund sleeping never know when the paparazzi is going to show up!

ammo the dachshund sleeping

And everyone knows you don’t want to have photos of you with bed-head circling around on the internet.

ammo the dachshund sleeping

Lucky for me I look cute no matter what I’m doing. *wink* 



  1. Jane

    That’s right Ammo, you are cute in all of your pictures. I like your first one. It is very sassy.

  2. Trooper

    Watch out for the paparazzi–They eat little dogs with no legs!!!

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