Did you pack your Swimmies?

ammo the dachshund it's raining cats and dogs

Some of my weekend plans got washed away when a big storm came rolling in on Saturday night.

ammo the dachshund it's raining cats and dogs

I’ll admit, I was a little sad that I had to spend most of my weekend inside of the barn instead of hunting groundhogs and running around the farm.

ammo the dachshund it's raining cats and dogs

In fact, I was tempted just to park myself in the comfiest spot I could find and ride out the storm.

ammo the dachshund rain

My plans changed though when Nitro whispered in my ear, “Hey Ammo, Do you think if it keeps raining like this that we might all float away?”

ammo the dachshund rain

Float away? Float away?

ammo the dachshund rain

Definitely not on my watch!

ammo the dachshund rain

And boy did I watch!

ammo the dachshund rain

And after all that watching nothing got “floated away” – well aside from some of my earthworm pals (but I’m fairly certain they can swim pretty well….I think).

ammo the dachshund rain

Just as a precaution though I packed my emergency swimmies in mom’s car and my Chincoteague Pony Pals on the farm assured me that they are excellent swimmers. It’s times like these that I’m glad I have friends that were born on an island!



  1. Jean Assell

    I think it’s great that Ammo can roam around unleashed, my doxie would have run away and be in Texas by now.

    • Ammo

      I’m usually pretty good with staying in the boundaries of the farm – but sometimes I like to wander (either to do some hunting or just to make mom chase me down). I do wear a glowdoggie collar at night so that mom can keep an eye on me.
      But if I escape from my fence at home I take it as a sign to take a lap around the neighborhood. hehe.

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