Friday Fetch: Life Vests for Dogs

Now that the hot hot Summer has officially started I’ve been thinking about taking more trips to my local lake. Up until now I’ve never worn a doggie flotation device – not for lack of wanting to – but because I did not have direct access to a credit card (ahem…mom).

But have no fear! Mom ordered me my very own life vest just the other day, and while I wait for my new purchase to arrive in the mail I figured I’d share a round-up of some of the Pet Life Vests that are on the market currently.

kyjen pet life vest

I ended up ordering the Kyjen Outward Hound Life Jacket from Amazon because it included an extra flotation device on the front to keep tired puppy heads above the water. I’ll be sure to post a full review on the product once it arrives on my doorstep next week! (above link contains affiliate links to my Amazon shop)

Now here’s a round-up of a few more life vests for dogs that I thought looked just as swim worthy as the one that ended up in my cart.

ruffwear k-9 float coat

Ruffwear K-9 Float Coat from Cabela’s

paws aboard dog life vest

Paws Aboard Designer Dog Life Vest

dog life jacket from waterdoggy

Dog Life Jacket from Waterdoggy


Safe swimming everyone! 


  1. Caroline

    Baron loves his green Outward Hound life jacket. Although he is not a big fan of swimming he does a “mean” doggie paddle with his vest on.

    • Ammo

      I can’t wait to test mine out! Glad to hear Baron is playing it safe when he’s around the water!

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