Practicing Contacts on the A-Frame at Agility Class

Last week I had my regularly scheduled dog agility classes at DTCCC, only this time was special because my dad was home from work so he got to come watch me!

Ammo the Dachshund at Agility class

Of course I was super excited to show dad all the things I’ve been learning in class – and I went so fast that he could barely capture it on camera!

Ammo the Dachshund at Agility class

One of the things I have been learning at class is my agility contacts. Contacts in dog agility refer to a specific contact zone at the base of an object (like the A-frame, teeter, dog walk) that you must place a paw in during competition in order for it to count. Most of these contact zones are marked by a yellow strip at the base of an obstacle.

Being that I’m a small dog it is much easier for me to not miss a contact (because I’m not big enough to soar over it), but it is still best to learn how to do each object properly by entering and exiting it at the very base.

Below is a short video from class that dad took of me working on my contacts with the a-frame. You’ll see that I have a verbal cue (“mark”) that mom gives me as I approach the base of the a-frame, this cues me to pause at the bottom of the board until I get the ok to move forward. As I progress in my training my “mark” won’t be as obvious as I race around the course.

Looks pretty fun right?

Here’s some pervious posts from my adventures in agility training incase you missed it:

Extra Curriular Activities

 Tuesday Night Agility

Beginner Dog Agility Classes

 DIY: Build your own Agility Jumps

 Agility with Cows

Ammo the DachshundP.S. Don’t forget to vote for me in the 2012 Petties! I’m nominated for best blog design, and winning will earn $1,000 to one of my favorite pet charities!


  1. Great Shot Ammo the Dachshund. This is me, your pal Nestle doing the same thing!

  2. I see this is from 2012, which explains why your tire was so high. Now your tire jump should only be 4″ high–the bottom of the tire should be in contact with the ground. My girls love to do agility, too!

    • Yes, this is a previous blog post, and it’s been a little bit since I’ve gotten to run on the agility course.

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