Beating the Heat – Canoeing down the Brandywine River

Last weekend I took an expedition down the Brandywine River via canoe. You may remember that I went on a similar adventure last summer.

Ammo the Dachshund - Canoeing down the Brandywine River

This time it was a much bigger family affair as even my Uncle Taylor came too while he was up visiting from North Carolina.

Ammo the Dachshund - Canoeing down the Brandywine River

Since we only have one canoe at the farm we had to make room for our extra passengers by adding some blow-up rafts and even a snow tube.

Ammo the Dachshund - Canoeing down the Brandywine River

It ended up being quite the adventure with frequent pit-stops to re-pump said rafts, a couple of spider incidents (with one wolf spider hitching a ride on mom’s leg – I screamed – but she brushed it off like nothing happened), and a nest of ants and their babies threatening to eat us alive when we accidentally tipped the canoe – all of which we had a good laugh about later.

Ammo the Dachshund - Canoeing down the Brandywine River

Ammo the Dachshund - Canoeing down the Brandywine River

All in all it was the perfect way to spend a hot summer day!

So what do you do to beat the summer heat? I’m thinking for my next canoe trip I’ll have to bring along some pupsicles! Yum! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Wow Ammo, we gots a lot in common! Of course, I prefers a nice nap to anything involving waters. However, my mama says she used to hike near the Brandywine river all the time, except now she lives in North Carolina with me. You is quite a brave dog Ammo to go near all those waters!

    • Ammo

      I love the water – especially on a nice hot summer day! My Uncle Taylor came up from North Carolina to visit and go canoeing with me….I’m hoping to go down and visit him sometime later this year, so Ruben, you’ll have to give me all the details on the cool places for dogs to visit in North Carolina!

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