A Trip to the Vet

After my little oopsie on Sunday mom decided to take me to the vet on monday morning just to make sure my boo boo was taken care of properly.

Ammo the Dachshund gets a boo boo

Ammo the Dachshund goes to the vet

Going to the vet’s office is one of my least favorite things to do. Everyone there is very nice, however I can’t help but relive the day I was neutered everytime I enter those double doors, do you blame me?

Ammo the Dachshund goes to the vet

Sitting and waiting to see the vet is one of the worst parts, because I’m never sure what horrible thing will happen to me while I’m there. Will I get my nails trimmed, are they going to shove a thermometer up my butt, or am I going to be poked with needles?

Ammo the Dachshund goes to the vet

These questions plagued my mind as I awaited uncertain doom.

Ammo the Dachshund goes to the vet

This time though, I got off with only a little bit of doom…..in the form of a buzz cut!

Ammo the Dachshund goes to the vet

The vet said she could have stapled my cut shut to prevent any scarring, but mom (thank goodness) opted to let me go the most comfortable route and have it heal naturally. Plus scars are kinda cool…..even if I didn’t earn it doing anything that exciting.

I do however have to take antibiotics – which aren’t that bad considering I get a big spoonful of cream cheese with it – and mom has to clean and dress my cut a couple times a day. It was totally worth it though, especially since it meant I didn’t have to miss monday afternoon agility class!

Ammo the Dachshund // Dog Agility

My classmates think I’m super tough now too, especially after I told them I got this scar during a crazy fight with a ground hog. Shhhh! It’s our little secret. Ammo the Dachshund


  1. We’re so glad you’re feeling better Ammo! We hate the vet too! Mom clips our nails and does all our shots (besides rabies) so we can avoid the stress and cost of the vet visit

    • Ammo

      Can I borrow your mom so I don’t have to go to the vet too? 🙂

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