Friday Fetch: The Clicker Leash

I don’t talk a lot about the training methods my mom uses with me on the blog (but I should!), but since I was just a wee pup my mom has been using clicker training with me. Clicker training is a positive training method for animals using a clicker or small mechanical noisemaker, as a marker for behavior.

In fact, since my mom knew that us Dachshunds are one of the hardest dogs to house train (it’s true), she began clicker training me from the start to do my business outside. I’m proud to say I am completely house trained now (even if it did take me a little longer than the average pooch) thanks to the clicker. Now had we known about the Clicker Leash from the start, this totally would have been a must have item for me when I was learning the potty basics.

Ammo the Dachshund // Friday Fetch // Clicker Leash

The Clicker Leash puts effective, humane training methods at your fingertips by merging a clicker with an ergonomic, lightweight leash handle. The Clicker Leash makes reward-based training convenient and fun while eliminating juggling and fumbling. Whether you are training your puppy, working on basic life skills with an adult dog or competing in canine sports the Clicker Leash puts your clicker where you need it, when it counts. As long as you have your dog’s leash, your favourite training tool is on hand!

Ammo the Dachshund // Friday Fetch // Clicker Leash

You can fetch your own clicker leash HERE for $30Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Donna

    You are not kidding that dachshunds are difficult to train. My Heidi is 6 and we still have some potty problems.

    • Ammo

      Oh yes, I remember my mom thought I would NEVER get the concept of going outside when I was younger. Thankfully now I NEVER have accidents inside and I even ring a bell by the door when I need to potty outside (and surprisingly I was never crate trained). Most of my success with the house training can be attributed to the clicker training my mom did with me when I was younger. I think if I had had a leash like this Clicker Leash, things might have moved along a lot faster too!
      Good luck with Heidi’s potty issues!

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