Birthday Week Giveaway – Winner Announced!

We had lots of entries for my Birthday Week Giveaway, in which one lucky reader will win my 2013 Calendar and a set of Greeting cards from my Flying Hero Etsy Shop.

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Week // Giveaway from Flying Hero

I had so much fun reading everyone’s wishes, which included wishing for homes for all the doxies of the world, wishes for their dog to learn some tricks, and lots of dog treat wishes! But sadly there can be only one winner, and today’s winner is comment #28 Rebecca, who wishes every doxie had a home, and every home a doxie! (good wish!)

Flying Hero Etsy Shop

Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway, and since I hate to see anyone go home empty handed, you can use the coupon code FREESHIP in my etsy shop, Flying Hero, to receive free shipping anywhere in the US on any order! Yay for free!

I hope you have a wonderful Friday! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Peabody

    Ammo, you’ve got the best blog out there — here’s to your winning a Pettie!

  2. Rebecca fritz

    My birthday wish for Ammo is coming true! My neighbor just adopted their first dachshund!

    • Ammo

      Oh how fun! One of my neighbors just got a dachshund too…..weenies for everyone!

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