Evening Hunt

Ammo the Dachshund // Evening Hunting on the Farm

One of my FAVORITE things to do on the farm is to hunt. You have not lived until you get to go out in search of critters.

Ammo the Dachshund // Evening Hunting on the Farm

You can always tell when I’m on the hunt because my tail will stand straight up.

Ammo the Dachshund // Evening Hunting on the Farm

I typically set out in search of critters just as the sun is beginning to set. Mom makes me wear my Glowdoggie collar on my evening hunts because she says I wander too far sometimes and she can’t find me in the dark without it. I’m fairly certain the neighbors think our farm is possessed by aliens that come out at night with glowing lights and scuttle through the pastures.

Ammo the Dachshund // Evening Hunting on the Farm

And I’m not planning to tell them otherwise. Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Jane

    Ammo, do you have any coyotes around your farm? Please don’t wander away too far from mom at dusk if you do.
    I use to think they wouldn’t come close to our house but this summer I saw them two different times. Four were running in the pasture by the fenceline behind our house in the evening and then I even saw one come across the yard at 11:00 in the morning! Very scary, but thankfully Sambo was with me on the cart and stayed safe.
    So you stay safe. Also I hope you are safe from the bad storm.

    • Ammo

      As far as I know we have no coyotes…mostly just foxes. But the good news is that the neighboring vineyard has LOTS of fox preventatives on their farm (sounds to ward them off, fake coyote scarecrows, etc) to protect their grapes – so it helps to keep them a safe distance from my farm.
      And mom always makes me wear my glowdoggie collar so she can easily spot me and keeps me in her sights! I try to be as safe as I can!

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