Mastering the Kicker Box

You might remember that for my Birthday back in the beginning of October I received a gift from my parents called the Kicker Box. This box with it’s confusing levers that held my treats captive was a source of frustration for me for the first week or so. But, truth be told, it’s no secret as to how stubborn us Dachshunds are – and I couldn’t give up on the Kicker Box without a fight.

Ammo the Dachshund // Birthday Wrap-Up

I’m now a master at dispensing my treats from the box, and to prove it to you my mom shot this video of me working for my breakfast this morning:

Do you think your dog could master the Kicker BoxAmmo the Dachshund


Disclosure: I was not paid or perked to write about this product, I just wanted to share with my fans this fun toy.


  1. I would love if my dog could do something like this, but he is too lazy even for the Kong that spills food when you tip it over. Some dogs were meant to have smarts and some were meant to just be cute. Chester is not smart. 😉

    • Ammo

      I’ve found that the more training/learning I do the faster I get at problem solving. Helps to make the mind sharper! 🙂

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