Christmas Tree Shopping

Every year around this time I go on a very special hunt. A hunt to find a Christmas Tree! Just like I have done for the past several years (2010, 2011) – my family and I headed out to the Tricolor Christmas Tree Farm. You know, the place where the trees are born.

It’s very important to get your tree early – as to have the pick of the very best trees – so that when Santa arrives on Christmas Eve he’ll be like:

“OMG this is the greatest tree ever, you deserve all the presents in my sack Ammo!”

Ammo the Dachshund // Christmas Tree Shopping

So when we arrived at the tree farm I wasted no time in choosing the very best tree on the lot! I just screamed holiday cheer!

I hurried along with dad to get my very precious tree to the car, because the most exciting part was next…….decorating it!

Ammo the Dachshund // Christmas Tree Shopping

I’m pretty sure Santa will be very impressed.

Ammo the Dachshund // Christmas Tree Shopping

Only 22 days until Christmas! I’m not sure I can wait that long! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. And a very beautiful tree it is Ammo! We think you picked out the most perfect tree on the lot. Santa will be very impressed. Here’s hoping he leaves you some really great prezzies.

    Lily Belle & Muffn

  2. Renée de Bruin

    Beautiful tree, Ammo, and so stylish too!

  3. Donna

    Ammo, Do you have any dachshund ornaments on your tree? My Heidi has 4 dachshunds hanging on our tree.

    • Ammo

      oh yes! I have lots of Doxie ornaments on my tree….how can you not?

  4. Sharon Oh

    Bright and bee-you-tee-full!! Great choice 🙂 (and a lot of great exercise in the gathering!) I’m sure it will take you oodles of time to sort out and open YOUR gifts – but the bestest gift under the tree will be your Mom & Dad’s . .YOU!

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