Stylish Toy Storage for Dogs

Toy Storage for Dogs // Ammo the Dachshund

Toys! It’s one of my favorite subjects, and when you’re a dog you can never have enough of them! Since I have quite a few things to play with around the house, mom is constantly combating my clutter by putting my toys into baskets and totes.

Toy Storage for Dogs // Ammo the Dachshund

I like to think I’m a pretty stylish guy, so when it comes to storing my toys I don’t just settle for any old basket. My most recent stylish purchases have come from the Land of Nod.

Toy Storage for Dogs // Ammo the Dachshund

Not only are they fun to look at, but since they are soft I don’t have to worry about injuring my neck when getting out my favorite toys.

Toy Storage for Dogs // Ammo the Dachshund

Of course my toys looked like they were having lots of fun in my new baskets, so I couldn’t just stand by and let them have all the fun!

Toy Storage for Dogs // Ammo the Dachshund

It wasn’t as exciting as I had imagined in my head.

Toy Storage for Dogs // Ammo the Dachshund

But it’s good to know that there is plenty of room for lots and lots more toys. (you hear that mom!?) Ammo the Dachshund

You can fetch your own toy storage totes from The Land of Nod.

Disclosure: I was not paid or perked to share these products, I just simply thought my new bins were oh-so-fun.


  1. Peabody

    You’re funny Ammo!

  2. We also have tons of toys. I like that these bins have soft sides to allow my boys to get the toys out easily. Right now, we use a milk crate type bin, and the boys knock it over to dig through all the toys to pick out the one toy they’re looking for!

    • Ammo

      Oh yes, these bins are great for us vertically challenged dogs!

    • Ammo

      I’m already compiling a wish list!

  3. Jana

    Looks like you have it all under contol.
    Cute as can be sitting in the basket.
    Now all you need is….well, more toys!

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