Adventures at Tractor Supply

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

Tractor Supply Company, only the holy mecca for farm boys like me! And lucky me, I got to go on a Tractor Supply adventure over the weekend.

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

TSC has everything, from clothing, to dog food, hardware supplies and more – it’s hard to not find something that you need at a place like this.

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

I enjoyed moseying up and down the isle in search of something to add to my cart, mostly I was eyeballing the isles of dog toys and treats – but somehow we missed that one completely and I ended up only coming home with a bag of horse treats. I’m not sure how I got the short end of that stick.

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

My moseying was extra slow on this adventure, because just when I thought we were done with the crutches in my house (after mom’s knee surgery) my dad decided he wanted to give them a whirl too. So I’m back to playing nurse Ammo as dad spends a few weeks on crutches due to a high ankle sprain and some torn ligaments from playing soccer. I’m starting to think I’m missing out on something by not having my own pair to crutch around on!

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

Mom says it’s important for me to go on outings in new places as much as possible – it’s what makes me a good therapy dog. I only wish all stores were as dog friendly as TSC, because I’d certainly volunteer to practice my therapies in a butcher shop or maybe the Wine and CHEESE shop!

But until that day comes I’m happy to take my outings any place that keeps cookies behind the counter.

Adventures at Tractor Supply - Ammo the Dachshund

I’m here for my cookies please! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Teresa Spinks

    It looks like you had a good time at TSC, but how in the world did you miss out on bringing home your own treats. It must be because dad was distracted by being on the crutches, good thing for him he has such a great therapy dog as you. 🙂

    • Ammo

      Yeah, it’s unfortunate I didn’t get any cookies! I guess I’ll cut dad a break this one time.

  2. Christa Harrell

    Oh my, that is just awful that dad missed the K9 isle, because they have a great one there, but I am sure he will make up for it the next time he is going, maybe you have to steer him to it, Them darn crutches, you better be glad that you don;t need any, who would be a good therapy person for you??? You have to be there for dad now too, you helped your mom, and your dad will get over it too with your help, stay strong for them!!!

    • Ammo

      I think I might have to take up a specialty in crutch therapy. I’m gonna be an expert pretty soon.

  3. Betty Depuy

    Hope Dad is better soon. Get them to take you to Petco, they have good treats there!!

  4. Awww yay, what fun for you!!! What kind of cookie did you get?? We have a brandy new Tractor Supply in the next town over, I need to go soon!
    * and I agree, I think you’d be a great helper at a wine & cheese shop

  5. You are the cutest farm boy I Know! Love ya Ammo! OK Riley want to have you for a friend like his brother Buddy did! Is that ok with you! If so he say a High Paw to you my Friend you pal Riley and my mom wants to always send those mushie kisses ! She is so good at kisses …well I know I sure get a lot of them …it ok she loves me a lot! Happy New Years Ammo ! Your pal Riley and the Mom

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