DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl – Under $5

When I spotted this Chalkboard Dog Bowl over on Waggo I just knew I had to have it! Only when I asked mom if I could purchase it, she suggested why not DIY it? Oh but of course!

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund



  • A ceramic bowl (mine came from Homegoods) $4
  • Frog Tape (I had a roll on hand) $7
  • Chalkboard Spraypaint (I also had a can of this on hand) $5

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

Step 1: Using the frog tape, tape off the portion of your bowl that you do not want to have chalkboard paint on it. You may need some help from someone who doesn’t have paws!

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

Step 2: Using even coats, spray your bowl with chalkboard paint. You may also need some help to get the cap off your spray paint.

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

Once your bowl is completely dry it will be ready to write on with chalk! You may want to prep the surface first by applying a coat of chalk evenly across the entire bowl and erasing it before writing on it.

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

Of course any dog bowl is much much better with food in it!

DIY Chalkboard Dog Bowl - Under $5 // Ammo the Dachshund

Yum! Everything tastes better in my trendy Chalkboard Food Bowl! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Jana Drilling

    You guys are so artsy.

  2. Christa Harrell

    So neat, love it!!!!

  3. Tracy Molitor

    Ammo, you are just too talented!!

  4. Hannah Z.

    I found these on here and thought they were so so cute. With that being said we are getting a puppy this summer and I made an adorable food and water bowl set. It only cost me about $10. For two way cuter dog bowls it costs less than one designer bowl!

    • Ammo

      Glad you enjoyed my tutorial! Hope your new puppy enjoys the bowls!

  5. Mariah

    Do they wash okay?

    • Ammo

      As long as they are handwashed, then yes!

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