Tonight We Dine!

As the weather gets even warmer I look forward to more nights out on the town with my mom and dad. Being a small dog means I can easily be taken lots of places, and outdoor dining is no exception.

Dining at 4 Dogs Tavern with a Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Dining at 4 Dogs Tavern with a Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Dining at 4 Dogs Tavern with a Dog // Ammo the Dachshund

Being a small dog also means I can easily fit under the table – which is the best place to be when you’re hoping for table scraps! Yum!


Check out one of my previous outdoor dining adventures HERE, where I met a pretty cute motorcycle babe!Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Christa Harrell


  2. Ammo your welcome at our house for dinner anytime.
    We have a little girl here now that we rescued the other day. She joins our other two boys Garet And Teddy.

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