Stepping it up on the Agility Course

Now that I’m back to my regular weekly agility classes (after mom had knee surgery and I had to take a little break) I’ve jumped right back in where I left off and I’m now doing full courses! I’m still a bit of a novice and have plenty to learn, but I’m having loads of fun running the courses!

So what do you think? Does it look like I’m having a blast?!


  1. Jan Wortinger

    Good job, Ammo! You are such an inspiration. Rocket will be starting agility soon and we just got a post from BHA facebook page that a fun event will be coming to our state in August! We are so excited!

    Hugs from Rocket and Family 🙂

    • Ammo

      Good luck to Rocket! He certainly has the right name to be an agility dog!

  2. Peabody

    WOW Ammo, you go! Agility is supposed to be tough for us dachshunds, but you make it look so easy! We’re off to the races this weekend…root for me please! Have a happy and active summer!

    • Ammo

      Oh good luck at the races! I wish they had some closer to me, I love to run!

  3. Mike D

    Nice! That see-saw thing looks terrifying!

  4. Sandra

    Well done Ammo!
    Lots of love from Korea.

  5. Jana Drilling

    Well done Ammo, well done. You really do look like your having a blast.

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