King of the Castle

For those of you who did not know, I’m the King of my Castle. I rule with an iron fist and and a bark that could frighten a lion. It’s true, I even have a crown to prove it!

King of the Castle // Ammo the Dachshund

As King I demand cookies, daily entertainment in the form of tug-o-war, and all the belly rubs I so desire.

King of the Castle // Ammo the Dachshund

Oh and all groundhogs of the World must bow to me. That is all. Ammo the Dachshund


  1. JB

    Ammo, you make a great king! I would be honored to live in your kingdom and serve you. Love the crown!

  2. Jana Drilling

    You are versatile. Love your crown. 🙂

  3. Christa Harrell

    Haha, love that crown!!!!!! You look so sweet, like you couldn’t hurt a fly!!!!! Let alone, chase gophers!!!!!

  4. You sound like my dachshund, Heidi. She is the queen of our castle. And a very loud bark when anyone invades our neighborhood.

  5. All dachshunds are kings of their castles except the ones who are queens of their castles.

  6. Betsy Davis

    You are not only a Superdog but a king as well-hotdog!

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