That time a Car Crashed through my Shop

Those of you that follow me on Instagram may have noticed an interesting photo that I posted last weekend:

No joke, at about 2am on a Friday night mom and dad got a call from police that a stolen vehicle had crashed into our shop. Truth be told, I never even woke up – even when mom and dad left the house to go check it out.

A Car Crashed into the Shop // Ammo the Dachshund

A Car Crashed into the Shop // Ammo the Dachshund

Mom and Dad spent hours at the shop cleaning up the damage, which there was a fair amount of.

A Car Crashed into the Shop // Ammo the Dachshund

And when I arrived at work the next day, I couldn’t believe what had happened to my shop!

A Car Crashed into the Shop // Ammo the Dachshund

A Car Crashed into the Shop // Ammo the Dachshund

Even though there was lots of damage, thankfully no one was hurt in the crash. I’m counting my lucky stars, because it could of been much worse.

And I’m thinking now that the windowsill is damaged anyway, perhaps we should rebuild with a dachshund sized perch instead! Ammo the Dachshund


  1. Christa Harrell

    Oh my, Ammo, this is awful!!!! But I know your mom and dad, being responsible folks, they have good insurance, but all that work that is involved in it!!!! But so glad that nobody was there to got hurt, that was a blessing!!!! I know you want to be a good boy and help cleaning up, but maybe it’ll be quicker if you just stay put and only supervise!!!!

  2. Betsy Davis

    omg, so sorry to read about the car crash and Very Happy no one was hurt.

  3. Charmie

    Oh my Ammo! So glad to hear that no one is hurt. sorry about the mess someone has left you with, but keep that tail a wagging! – Charmie of Easy Scoop a Poop

  4. What a mess they made Ammo! We’re so very sorry to hear that some knucklehead stole a car and did that to you. Look, they even left the headlights on.

    We hope that you get your little window seat installed. That would be perfect for you.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  5. Melissa & Shilah Dailey

    We were thinking about you and hoping the shop is back in one piece.

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